And now you get the reference!

Ever wanted to read about someone's review of (practically) every Weird Al song they've listened to? NOW YOU CAN!!

Notice: At the moment, the collection will only review Al's 14 studio albums; I may review rarities later on. For a few reasons (mainly that there are some songs I just haven't listened to yet), these entries are subject to change. The album list is categorized chronologically, and the songs are categorized by how they go on the tracklist.

We set our scene at the grand mansion (metaphorically speaking) of Lyra Villa, and specifically a most luxurious living room. Big fireplace, taxidermy cryptids, library of classic literature, the works. Our host is busy laying in xyr lounge chair, chocolate milk-in-a-fancy glass in hand and bubble pipe in mouth...and also, uh, apparently asleep.

I bet he's dreaming of electric sheep, roaming around and grazing on grass wires. Alas, she does still have a job to do, so I ought to wake xem up.

(A disembodied hand materializes into existence to slap our dear host in the face. They jolt awake, shaking xyr glass and pipe but not spilling/dropping either. Impressive!)

Take it away, friend!

Winter, adjusting xyr pipe: "Hello there, dearest readers. My name is Winter W. Willow, and ah'll be yer guide through the music, the myth, the madness...of "Weird Al" Yankovic."

She takes the pipe out of their mouth (probably because it was too much trouble) and gets out of xyr chair to pick a vinyl from his collection. Which one will it be?

(And after you're done reading all that — which shouldn't take too long — you can read 44nifty's album reviews, too!)

And, uh, make sure to come back home sometime, won't you?